Learn Chinese with the Bible: Approximate English meaning+Pinyin (Romanized Chinese)+Chinese characters
Chapter 1
"ordinary/plain/convenient/handy/easy/then/so/thus/to relieve oneself"Biàn便 elegantyǎ雅 "sympathize/to pity"mǐn悯 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "to dash/to move forward quickly"tū突 "city walls/city/town"chéng城 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 priestjìsī祭司 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中,rare/infrequentxī希 "rein in"lè勒 furniture/tooljiā家 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 sonérzi儿子 ""Yēlìmǐ耶利米 ifdehuà的话 "to remember/to note/mark/sign/to record"jì记 underneathzàixiàmiàn在下面。
2 ""Yóudà犹大 "king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王 "Amos (son of Manasseh)"Yàmén亚们 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 sonérzi儿子 "Josiah (son of Amos)"Yuēxīyà约西亚 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "position/location/(measure word for persons)/place/seat"wèi位 "thirteen/13 "shísān十三 yearnián年,JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 ifdehuà的话 "to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 ""Yēlìmǐ耶利米。
3 from/obey/observe/followCóng从 ""Yóudà犹大 "king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王 "Josiah (son of Amos)"Yuēxīyà约西亚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 sonérzi儿子 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 elegantyǎ雅 "to respect/to venerate/to salute/to offer"jìng敬 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "position/location/(measure word for persons)/place/seat"wèi位 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,untilzhídào直到 ""Yóudà犹大 "king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王 "Josiah (son of Amos)"Yuēxīyà约西亚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 sonérzi儿子 westxī西 "(possessive part.)/(subor. part.)"de底 furniture/tooljiā家 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "position/location/(measure word for persons)/place/seat"wèi位 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "end/final stage/latter part"mò末 yearnián年,"(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as"jiùshì就是 "eleven years"shíyīnián十一年 "May/fifth month"wǔyuè五月 "between/among/space/(measure word)"jiān间 "(final part.)/(phonetic)"yē耶 (surname)/road/path/waylù路 "let go"sā撒 coldlěng冷 man/person/peoplerén人 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 "take captive"lǔ掳 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 ifdehuà的话 also/tooyě也 always/ever/often/frequently/common/general/constantcháng常 "to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 ""Yēlìmǐ耶利米。
4 ""Yēlìmǐ耶利米 "to speak/to say"shuō说,JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 ifdehuà的话 "to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,
5 I/meWǒ我 "1-3 p.m./8th earthly branch/not yet/did not/have not/not"wèi未 "(will, shall, " use? to get prepared ready tense?) futurejiāng将 younǐ你 "to make/to build/to invent/to manufacture"zào造 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 abdomen/stomach/bellyfù腹 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中,I/mewǒ我 "already/to stop/then/afterwards"yǐ已 "to know"xiǎode晓得 younǐ你。youNǐ你 "1-3 p.m./8th earthly branch/not yet/did not/have not/not"wèi未 "to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to occur/to happen/(a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)"chū出 female/mothermǔ母 fetus/littertāi胎,I/mewǒ我 "already/to stop/then/afterwards"yǐ已 difference/distinction/apart/separate/separately/respectivelyfēnbié分别 younǐ你 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 holy/sacred/saint/sageshèng圣。I/meWǒ我 "already/to stop/then/afterwards"yǐ已 "clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch"pài派 younǐ你 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "to arrange/to line up/row/file/series"liè列 country/state/nationguó国 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 prophetxiānzhī先知。
6 I/meWǒ我 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "(final part.)/(interj.)"a阿,I/mewǒ我 unknowing(ly)bùzhī不知 how/whyzěnyàng怎样 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"because/owing to/on account of"yīnwèi因为 I/mewǒ我 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 yearnián年 youngyòu幼 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。
7 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,younǐ你 "don't!/must not"bùyào不要 "to speak/to say"shuō说 I/mewǒ我 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 yearnián年 youngyòu幼 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"because/owing to/on account of"yīnwèi因为 I/mewǒ我 "difference/discrepancy/to differ/error/to err/to make a mistake"chā差 dispatchqiǎn遣 younǐ你 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 whoshéi谁 "there/that place"nàli那里 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,younǐ你 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去。I/meWǒ我 tell/instruct/commandfēnfù吩咐 younǐ你 "to speak/to say"shuō说 what?/who?/something/anythingshénme什么 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话,younǐ你 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to speak/to say"shuō说。
8 youNǐ你 "don't!/must not"bùyào不要 "to fear"jù惧 "to be afraid/to fear"pà怕 theytāmen他们,"because/owing to/on account of"yīnwèi因为 I/mewǒ我 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 younǐ你 like/same/similar/together/alike/withtóng同 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to save/to rescue"zhěngjiù拯救 younǐ你。this/theseZhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。
9 "thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence"Yúshì于是 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "(v) hold out hand/(v) ask sb for something"shēnshǒu伸手 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 my/minewǒde我的 "mouth/(a measure word)"kǒu口,"couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,I/mewǒ我 "already/to stop/then/afterwards"yǐ已 "(will, shall, " use? to get prepared ready tense?) futurejiāng将 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "to speak/to say"shuō说 ifdehuà的话 "to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to pass on/to conduct (electricity)"chuán传 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 younǐ你。
10 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"Kàn看 how/whichnǎ哪,I/mewǒ我 todayjīnrì今日 "set up/to stand"lì立 younǐ你 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to arrange/to line up/row/file/series"liè列 "a state/country or nation"bāng邦 "to arrange/to line up/row/file/series"liè列 country/state/nationguó国 abovezhīshàng之上,"act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to put in place/put into practice/take effect"shīxíng施行 "pull up/pull out/select/promote"bá拔 "to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to occur/to happen/(a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)"chū出,"to tear open/to tear down/to tear apart/to open"chāi拆 "to destroy/to damage/to ruin"huǐ毁,destruction/devastatehuǐhuài毁坏,"to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out"qīng倾 "to cover/to overflow/to reply to a letter/to overturn/to capsize"fù覆,"(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "creation/set up/construction/build/establish/set up"jiànlì建立,"to plant/to transplant"zāizhí栽植。
11 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 ifdehuà的话 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,""Yēlìmǐ耶利米,younǐ你 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 what?/who?/something/anythingshénme什么。I/meWǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,I/mewǒ我 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) " etc.)? (family, entire noun) a (before than...? happen VERB did sooner noyī一 "radical (chem.)/root/basis"gēn根 apricotxìng杏 treeshù树 "branch/(a measure word)"zhī枝。
12 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,younǐ你 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 "a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect/degree or possibility"de得 "correct/right/not bad/pretty good"bùcuò不错。"because/owing to/on account of"Yīnwèi因为 I/mewǒ我 "(v) be careful; be mindfull"liúyì留意 "(politically) conservative/guard/keep"bǎoshǒu保守 my/minewǒde我的 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话,"usable/workable/feasible/doable/to make/to cause"shǐde使得 "accomplishment/success/attain a result/achievement"chéngjiù成就。
13 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 ifdehuà的话 "second/second time"dì’èrcì第二次 "to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,younǐ你 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 what?/who?/something/anythingshénme什么。I/meWǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,I/mewǒ我 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 a/anyīgè一个 boilshāokāi烧开 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 pot/pan/boilerguō锅,from/obey/observe/followcóng从 northběi北 "and/as well as/but (not)/yet (not)/(shows causal relation)/(shows change of state)/(shows contrast)"ér而 "to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out"qīng倾。
14 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 I/mewǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,certainly/must/will/necessarilybì必 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 disaster/calamityzāi灾 disasterhuò祸 from/obey/observe/followcóng从 "north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River"běifāng北方 "to send out/to issue"fāchū发出,"to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before"lín临 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 this/thesezhè这 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 all/every/everythingyíqiè一切 resident/inhabitantjūmín居民。
15 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 how/whichnǎ哪,I/mewǒ我 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(surname)/name of an ancient state"shào召 "north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River"běifāng北方 "to arrange/to line up/row/file/series"liè列 country/state/nationguó国 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 multitudezhòng众 race/nationality/ethnicity/clanzú族。theyTāmen他们 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to come"lái来,each/everygè各 "content/calm/still/quiet/to pacify/peace"ān安 seatzuòwèi座位 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "(final part.)/(phonetic)"yē耶 (surname)/road/path/waylù路 "let go"sā撒 coldlěng冷 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "city gate"chéngmén城门 "mouth/(a measure word)"kǒu口,encompass/surroundingzhōuwéi周围 "to attack/to accuse/to charge/(military) attack"gōngjī攻击 "city wall"chéngqiáng城墙,"(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to attack/to accuse/to charge/(military) attack"gōngjī攻击 ""Yóudà犹大 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 all/every/everythingyíqiè一切 "city walls/city/town"chéng城 cityyì邑。
16 "go so far as to/as for/as to"Zhìyú至于 this/thesezhè这 "the people/nationality/citizen"mín民 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 all/every/everythingyíqiè一切 nauseatedě恶,"(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as"jiùshì就是 abandonlíqì离弃 I/mewǒ我,"direction/part/side/towards/to/guide/opposite to"xiàng向 "leave/depart/separate/distinguish/classify/other/another/do not/must not/to pin"bié别 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever"shāo烧 "fragrant/incense/(of food) savory/appetizing/sweet/scented/popular"xiāng香,kneelguì跪 "to pay respect/worship/visit/salute"bài拜 "self/(reflexive pronoun)/own"zìjǐ自己 hand/convenientshǒu手 actually/placesuǒ所 "to make/to build/to invent/to manufacture"zào造 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,I/mewǒ我 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to send out/to issue"fāchū发出 my/minewǒde我的 "to judge/to sentence/to discriminate/to discern"pàn判 dialect/language/speechyǔ语,"to attack/to accuse/to charge/(military) attack"gōngjī攻击 theytāmen他们。
17 "therefore/as a result/so"Suǒyǐ所以 younǐ你 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 girdleshùyāo束腰,"beginning or continuing an action/upward movement/stand up"qǐlai起来 "(will, shall, " use? to get prepared ready tense?) futurejiāng将 I/mewǒ我 actually/placesuǒ所 tell/instruct/commandfēnfù吩咐 younǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 all/every/everythingyíqiè一切 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 theytāmen他们。"don't!/must not"Bùyào不要 cause/reason/becauseyīn因 theytāmen他们 "to start/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm"jīng惊 frightenedhuáng惶,"so as not to/so as to avoid"miǎnde免得 I/mewǒ我 "to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/messenger"shǐ使 younǐ你 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 theytāmen他们 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前 "to start/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm"jīng惊 frightenedhuáng惶。
18 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"Kàn看 how/whichnǎ哪,I/mewǒ我 todayjīnrì今日 "to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/messenger"shǐ使 younǐ你 "to become/to turn into"chéngwéi成为 strong/solid/firm/unyielding/resolutejiān坚 "city walls/city/town"chéng城,irontiě铁 pillarzhù柱,coppertóng铜 wallqiáng墙,"and/to give/together with"yǔ与 all/whole/entire/every/completequán全 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 ""Yóudà犹大 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 monarch/lord/gentleman/rulerjūn君 "king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王,"(n) head boss; chief"shǒulǐng首领,priestjìsī祭司,"and/furthermore/(not) at all/simultaneously/also/together with/to combine/to join/to merge"bìng并 "on the ground/on the floor"dìshang地上 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 multitudezhòng众 "the people/nationality/citizen"mín民 "to fight against/to oppose/to be opposed to/opposition"fǎnduì反对。
19 theyTāmen他们 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to attack/to accuse/to charge/(military) attack"gōngjī攻击 younǐ你,"but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless"què却 "cannot/must not/should not"bùnéng不能 victoriousshèng胜 younǐ你。"because/owing to/on account of"Yīnwèi因为 I/mewǒ我 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 younǐ你 like/same/similar/together/alike/withtóng同 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to save/to rescue"zhěngjiù拯救 younǐ你。this/theseZhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。