Learn Chinese with the Bible: Approximate English meaning+Pinyin (Romanized Chinese)+Chinese characters
Chapter 38
1 "(tw) at that time"Nàshí那时,""Yóudà犹大 "to depart/to leave"líkāi离开 "he/him"tā他 "brother"dìxiōng弟兄 "go down (descend)/go on (continue)"xiàqu下去,"to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "a/an"yīgè一个 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "(surname)/fabricate/restrict/to prevent"dù杜 "orchid"lán兰 "personal name"rénmíng人名 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 "rare/infrequent"xī希 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "furniture/tool"jiā家 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去。
2 ""Yóudà犹大 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "there/that place"nàli那里 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 "a/an"yīgè一个 "(phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)"jiā迦 "south"nán南 "personal name"rénmíng人名 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 "book/letter"shū书 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "daughter"nǚ’ér女儿,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "take a wife"qǔ娶 "she"tā她 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "wife"qī妻,"and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "she"tā她 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "house"fáng房,
3 "she"Tā她 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to be pregnant/to have conceived"huáiyùn怀孕 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "son"érzi儿子,""Yóudà犹大 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "called/named"míngjiào名叫 "pearl or jade earring"ěr珥。
4 "she"Tā她 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "to be pregnant/to have conceived"huáiyùn怀孕 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "son"érzi儿子,"mother (formal)"mǔqīn母亲 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "called/named"míngjiào名叫 "suddenly/very soon/Russian"é俄 "south"nán南。
5 "she"Tā她 "again/recover/reply to a letter/to repeat/to duplicate"fù复 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "son"érzi儿子,"to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "called/named"míngjiào名叫 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉。"she"Tā她 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,""Yóudà犹大 "in the process of (doing something or happening)/while (doing)"zhèngzài正在 "base/foundation/basic/radical (chem.)"jī基 "in all cases/know"xī悉。
6 ""Yóudà犹大 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "(N) Zhangzi (place in Shanxi)/firstborn son"Zhǎngzǐ长子 "pearl or jade earring"ěr珥 "take a wife"qǔ娶 "wife"qī妻,"called/named"míngjiào名叫 "he/him"tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛。
7 ""Yóudà犹大 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(N) Zhangzi (place in Shanxi)/firstborn son"Zhǎngzǐ长子 "pearl or jade earring"ěr珥 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "eye"yǎn眼 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "nauseated"ě恶,"Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 "he/him"tā他 "to die/inpassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid"sǐ死 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
8 ""Yóudà犹大 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "suddenly/very soon/Russian"é俄 "south"nán南 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "you"nǐ你 "older brother"gēge哥哥 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "wife"qīzi妻子 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "house"fáng房,"direction/part/side/towards/to/guide/opposite to"xiàng向 "she"tā她 "to use up/to exhaust/to end/to finish/to the utmost/exhausted/finished/to the limit (of sth)"jìn尽 "you"nǐ你 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "younger brother"dì弟 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "roots or stems of plants/origin/source/this/the current/root/foundation/basis/(a measure word)"běn本 "to divide/minute/(a measure word)/(a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)"fēn分,"act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "you"nǐ你 "older brother"gēge哥哥 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子 "set up/to stand"lì立 "empress/queen/surname"hòu后。
9 "suddenly/very soon/Russian"É俄 "south"nán南 "know/be aware of"zhīdao知道 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "to go back/to return"guī归 "self/(reflexive pronoun)/own"zìjǐ自己,"therefore/as a result/so"suǒyǐ所以 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "house"fáng房 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候 "ordinary/plain/convenient/handy/easy/then/so/thus/to relieve oneself"biàn便 "to lose/to leave behind"yí遗 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地,"so as not to/so as to avoid"miǎnde免得 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "older brother"gēge哥哥 "leave (message)/to retain/to stay/to remain/to keep/to preserve"liú留 "empress/queen/surname"hòu后。
10 "suddenly/very soon/Russian"É俄 "south"nán南 "actually/place"suǒ所 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "eye"yǎn眼 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "nauseated"ě恶,"Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "also/too"yě也 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 "he/him"tā他 "to die/inpassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid"sǐ死 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
11 ""Yóudà犹大 "(n) ones heart and mind"xīnlǐ心里 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"(I'm) afraid (that)/perhaps/I think"kǒngpà恐怕 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "also/too"yě也 "to die/inpassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid"sǐ死,"(look) like/similar (to)/appearance/to appear/to seem/image/portrait/resemble/seem"xiàng像 "he/him"tā他 "both/two/ounce/some/a few/tael"liǎng两 "(a measure word)/individual"gè个 "older brother"gēge哥哥 "same/like/equal to/the same as/just like"yíyàng一样,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "he/him"tā他 "son"ér儿 "woman"fù妇 "he/him"tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "you"nǐ你 "father"fùqīn父亲 "furniture/tool"jiā家 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里 "to guard"shǒu守 "few/widowed"guǎ寡,"class/rank/grade/equal to/same as/wait for/await/et cetera/and so on"děng等 "I/me"wǒ我 "son"érzi儿子 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "to grow up"zhǎngdà长大。"he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "return/go back"huíqu回去,"to live/to dwell/to reside/to stop"zhù住 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "she"tā她 "father"fùqīn父亲 "furniture/tool"jiā家 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里。
12 "(experienced action marker)/to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live/to get along/(surname)/excessively/too-"Guò过 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "to allow/to permit/to praise/(surname)"xǔ许 "(long) time/(long) duration of time"jiǔ久,""Yóudà犹大 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "wife"qīzi妻子 "book/letter"shū书 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "daughter"nǚ’ér女儿 "to die/inpassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid"sǐ死 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。""Yóudà犹大 "be finished/be ready/all right/that's enough"déle得了 "comfort/console"ānwèi安慰,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "he/him"tā他 "friend"péngyou朋友 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "(surname)/fabricate/restrict/to prevent"dù杜 "orchid"lán兰 "man/person/people"rén人 "rare/infrequent"xī希 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "pavilion"tíng亭 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "he/him"tā他 "cut with scissors/scissors"jiǎn剪 "fleece/wool/woolen"yángmáo羊毛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "man/person/people"rén人 "there/that place"nàli那里。
13 "(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"Yǒurén有人 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "he/him"tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "husband's father/father-in-law"gōnggong公公 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "pavilion"tíng亭 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "cut with scissors/scissors"jiǎn剪 "fleece/wool/woolen"yángmáo羊毛 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
14 "he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "already"yǐjīng已经 "to grow up"zhǎngdà长大,"also/in addition/more/still/else/still/yet/(not) yet"hái还 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "take a wife"qǔ娶 "she"tā她 "act as/ be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "wife"qī妻,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from"tuō脱 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "she"tā她 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "widow"guǎfu寡妇 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(n) clothes"yīshang衣裳,"to use"yòng用 "handkerchief"pà帕 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子 "dim sighted/ignorant"méng蒙 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "face"liǎn脸,"(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "cover up (a shortcoming)/screen off/to hide/to conceal"zhē遮 "to live/to dwell/to reside/to stop"zhù住 "(human) body/health"shēntǐ身体,"to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc.)"zuò坐 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "pavilion"tíng亭 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "(n) road surface/(n) while on a journey"lùshang路上 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "he/she/(surname)/Iraq (abbrev.)/Iran (abbrev.)"yī伊 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "stamp/seal/mark/print/India (abbrev.)"yìn印 "city gate"chéngmén城门 "mouth/(a measure word)"kǒu口。
15 ""Yóudà犹大 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 "she"tā她,"consider (that)/believe"yǐwéi以为 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "prostitute/hooker"jìnǚ妓女,"because/owing to/on account of"yīnwèi因为 "she"tā她 "dim sighted/ignorant"méng蒙 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "face"liǎn脸。
16 ""Yóudà犹大 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to convey/to forward (mail)/to transfer/to turn/to shift"zhuǎn转 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "she"tā她 "there/that place"nàli那里 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"to speak/to say"shuō说,"to come"lái来 "(onomat.)/dumb"bā吧。"to ask/to let/permit/have (someone do something)/to yield/to allow"Ràng让 "I/me"wǒ我 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "you"nǐ你 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "lie down"qǐn寝。"he/him"Tā他 "former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source"yuán原 "to not know"bùzhīdào不知道 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "his"tāde他的 "son"ér儿 "woman"fù妇。"he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "I/me"wǒ我 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "lie down"qǐn寝,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "what?/who?/something/anything"shénme什么 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "I/me"wǒ我 "(question particle)"ne呢?
17 ""Yóudà犹大 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "from/obey/observe/follow"cóng从 "(surname)/sheep"yáng羊 "crowd/flock/group"qún群 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里 "to take/to get/to choose/to fetch"qǔ取 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.)/single/only"zhī只 "goat"shānyáng山羊 "lamb"gāo羔,"(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send"sòng送 "to come"lái来 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "you"nǐ你。"he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "1-3 p.m./8th earthly branch/not yet/did not/have not/not"wèi未 "to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send"sòng送 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 "early/prior/former/in advance/first"xiān先,"you"nǐ你 "to wish/to want/ready/willing (to do sth)"yuànyì愿意 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "I/me"wǒ我 "a/an"yīgè一个 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "head"tóu头 "(question tag)"ma吗?
18 "he/him"Tā他 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "you"nǐ你 "what?/who?/something/anything"shénme什么 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "head"tóu头 "(question particle)"ne呢?"he/him"tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "stamp/seal/mark/print/India (abbrev.)"yìn印,"you"nǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "band/belt"dàizi带子,"and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "you"nǐ你 "(a situation is) in (someone's) hands"shǒulǐ手里 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "cane, walking stick"zhàng杖。""Yóudà犹大 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "she"tā她,"and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "she"tā她 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "lie down"qǐn寝,"she"tā她 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "from/obey/observe/follow"cóng从 ""Yóudà犹大 "to think of/to cherish/mind/heart/bosom"huái怀 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "pregnant"yùn孕。
19 "he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "beginning or continuing an action/upward movement/stand up"qǐlai起来 "to walk/to go/to move/to leave"zǒu走 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了,"eliminate/remove/except for"chúqù除去 "handkerchief"pà帕 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子,"still (remaining)/to remain (the same)/yet"réngjiù仍旧 "to bore through/pierce/perforate/penetrate/pass through/to dress/to wear/to put on/to thread"chuān穿 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "widow"guǎfu寡妇 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(n) clothes"yīshang衣裳。
20 ""Yóudà犹大 "to hold in one's hand/to entrust/to support in one's palm"tuō托 "he/him"tā他 "friend"péngyou朋友 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "(surname)/fabricate/restrict/to prevent"dù杜 "orchid"lán兰 "man/person/people"rén人 "to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send"sòng送 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.)/single/only"zhī只 "goat"shānyáng山羊 "lamb"gāo羔 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "from/obey/observe/follow"cóng从 "that/those"nà那 "woman"nǚrén女人 "(a situation is) in (someone's) hands"shǒulǐ手里 "to take/to get/to choose/to fetch"qǔ取 "(a measure word for matters or actions) a time/to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Islam"huí回 "to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "head"tóu头 "to come"lái来,"but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless"què却 "to try to find/to look for/to call on (sb)/to find/to seek/to return/to look for"zhǎo找 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "she"tā她。
21 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"Jiù就 "to ask"wèn问 "that/those"nà那 "area/place/local"dìfang地方 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "man/person/people"rén人 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"he/she/(surname)/Iraq (abbrev.)/Iran (abbrev.)"yī伊 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "stamp/seal/mark/print/India (abbrev.)"yìn印 "(surname)/road/path/way"lù路 "beside/one side/other/side/self"páng旁 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "prostitute/hooker"jìnǚ妓女 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "where/wherever"nǎli哪里,"they"tāmen他们 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"here"zhèlǐ这里 "and/furthermore/(not) at all/simultaneously/also/together with/to combine/to join/to merge"bìng并 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "prostitute/hooker"jìnǚ妓女。
22 "he/him"Tā他 "return/go back"huíqu回去 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 ""Yóudà犹大 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "to try to find/to look for/to call on (sb)/to find/to seek/to return/to look for"zhǎo找 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "she"tā她,"and/besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition"bìngqiě并且 "that/those"nà那 "area/place/local"dìfang地方 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "man/person/people"rén人 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"here"zhèlǐ这里 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "prostitute/hooker"jìnǚ妓女。
23 ""Yóudà犹大 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "this/these"zhè这 "goat"shānyáng山羊 "lamb"gāo羔 "to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send"sòng送 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了,"you"nǐ你 "unexpectedly/actually/to go so far as to/indeed"jìng竟 "to try to find/to look for/to call on (sb)/to find/to seek/to return/to look for"zhǎo找 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "she"tā她。"no matter what/despite"Rènpíng任凭 "she"tā她 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(onomat.)/dumb"bā吧,"so as not to/so as to avoid"miǎnde免得 "we/us/ourselves"wǒmen我们 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 "baffle/humiliate"xiūrù羞辱。
24 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"Yuē约 "(experienced action marker)/to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live/to get along/(surname)/excessively/too-"guò过 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "three/3"sān三 "(a measure word)/individual"gè个 "moon/month"yuè月,"(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"yǒurén有人 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 ""Yóudà犹大 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "son"ér儿 "woman"fù妇 "he/him"tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "prostitute/hooker"jìnǚ妓女,"further/moreover"qiě且 "cause/reason/because"yīn因 "all right/capable/competent/OK/okay/to go/to do/to travel/temporary/to walk/to go/will do"xíng行 "excessive/wanton/lewd/kinky/obscene"yín淫 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "body/torso/person/life/status/pregnancy/(a measure word used for clothes) suit"shēn身 "pregnant"yùn孕。""Yóudà犹大 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to occur/to happen/(a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)"chū出 "she"tā她 "to come"lái来,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "she"tā她 "to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever"shāo烧 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
25 "he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "to come out/to emerge"chūlai出来 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候 "ordinary/plain/convenient/handy/easy/then/so/thus/to relieve oneself"biàn便 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 "she"tā她 "husband's father/father-in-law"gōnggong公公,"couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "he/him"tā他 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"these"zhèxie这些 "east and west"dōngxī东西 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "who"shéi谁 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"I/me"wǒ我 "(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as"jiùshì就是 "from/obey/observe/follow"cóng从 "who"shéi谁 "to think of/to cherish/mind/heart/bosom"huái怀 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "pregnant"yùn孕。"to ask/to invite/please (do sth)/to treat (to a meal, etc)/to request"Qǐng请 "you"nǐ你 "to recognize/to know/to admit"rèn认 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "to recognize/to know/to admit"rèn认,"this/these"zhè这 "stamp/seal/mark/print/India (abbrev.)"yìn印 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "band/belt"dàizi带子 "and/furthermore/(not) at all/simultaneously/also/together with/to combine/to join/to merge"bìng并 "cane, walking stick"zhàng杖 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "who"shéi谁 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,
26 ""Yóudà犹大 "recognize/to acknowledge/to admit"chéngrèn承认 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"she"tā她 "(particle used for comparison and "-er than")/to compare/to contrast/to gesture (with hands)/ratio"bǐ比 "I/me"wǒ我 "more/even more/further/still/still more"gèng更 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "justice/righteousness/meaning"yì义,"because/owing to/on account of"yīnwèi因为 "I/me"wǒ我 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "(will, shall, "future tense")/ready/prepared/to get/to use"jiāng将 "she"tā她 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "my/mine"wǒde我的 "son"érzi儿子 "to show/reveal"shì示 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉。"thereupon/henceforth"Cóngcǐ从此 ""Yóudà犹大 "no more/no longer"bùzài不再 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "she"tā她 "like/same/similar/together/alike/with"tóng同 "lie down"qǐn寝 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
27 "he/him"Tā他 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "will/shall/be going to"jiāngyào将要 "to produce/manufacture"shēngchǎn生产,"unexpectedly/to one's surprise"bùliào不料 "she"tā她 "abdomen/stomach/belly"fù腹 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "couple/pair"yīduì一对 "twins"shuāngshēng双生。
28 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"Dào到 "to produce/manufacture"shēngchǎn生产 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,"a/an"yīgè一个 "child"háizi孩子 "extend"shēnchū伸出 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.)/single/only"zhī只 "hand/convenient"shǒu手 "to come"lái来。"to receive/to accept/to collect/in care of (used on address line after name)"Shōu收 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "grandmother/matron/mother-in-law"pó婆 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bonus/popular/red/revolutionary"hóng红 "thread/string/wire/line"xiàn线 "tie up"shuān拴 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "he/him"tā他 "hand/convenient"shǒu手 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"to speak/to say"shuō说,"this/these"zhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "head"tóu头 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。
29 "soon after"Suíhòu随后 "this/these"zhè这 "child"háizi孩子 "handle/grip/knob"bǎshǒu把手 "to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke"shōuhuí收回 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"he/him"tā他 "older brother"gēge哥哥 "to give birth"shēngchū生出 "to come"lái来 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。"to receive/to accept/to collect/in care of (used on address line after name)"Shōu收 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "grandmother/matron/mother-in-law"pó婆 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "why/for what reason"wèishénme为什么 "against wind"qiāng抢 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "to come"lái来 "(question particle)"ne呢?"that is why/for that reason/therefore/for this reason"yīncǐ因此 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "called/named"míngjiào名叫 "Perez (son of Judah)"Fǎlèsī法勒斯。
30 "afterwards/later"Hòulái后来,"he/him"tā他 "brothers/younger brother/brethren"xiōngdì兄弟 "that/those"nà那 "hand/convenient"shǒu手 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "bonus/popular/red/revolutionary"hóng红 "thread/string/wire/line"xiàn线 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "also/too"yě也 "to give birth"shēngchū生出 "to come"lái来,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 "he/him"tā他 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "called/named"míngjiào名叫 "Zerah (son of Judah)"Xièlā谢拉。