Learn Chinese with the Bible: Approximate English meaning+Pinyin (Romanized Chinese)+Chinese characters
Chapter 1
JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 from/obey/observe/followcóng从 "be able to/be likely to/to assemble/to meet/to gather/group/association"huì会 "stage curtain/tent"mù幕 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中 "to shout/to yell"hūjiào呼叫 MosesMóxī摩西,"couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 he/himtā他 "to speak/to say"shuō说,
2 youNǐ你 "dawn/to know/to tell (sb sth)/dawn"xiǎo晓 "order (from above)"yù谕 IsraelYǐsèliè以色列 man/person/peoplerén人 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you (plural)"nǐmen你们 between/intermediate/mid/middlezhōngjiān中间 "to seem/like/as/if"ruò若 "(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"yǒurén有人 "to offer"xiàn献 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 from/obey/observe/followcóng从 ox/cow/bullniú牛 crowd/flock/groupqún群 (surname)/sheepyáng羊 crowd/flock/groupqún群 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中 "to offer"xiàn献 "(n) domesticated animals; livestock"shēngchù牲畜 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物。
3 hisTāde他的 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物 "to seem/like/as/if"ruò若 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 ox/cow/bullniú牛 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "be able to/be likely to/to assemble/to meet/to gather/group/association"huì会 "stage curtain/tent"mù幕 doorway/gateménkǒu门口 "to offer"xiàn献 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) " etc.)? (family, entire noun) a (before than...? happen VERB did sooner noyī一 "(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.)/single/only"zhī只 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "(n) deformity on a person or animal"cánji残疾 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 bullgōngniú公牛,"can/may/possible/able to"kěyǐ可以 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前 "dim sighted/ignorant"méng蒙 pleasedyuè悦 "to accept/to pay (tax etc.)"nà纳。
4 he/himTā他 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 hand/convenientshǒu手 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "domestic animal"shēng牲 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 headtóu头 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "ordinary/plain/convenient/handy/easy/then/so/thus/to relieve oneself"biàn便 "dim sighted/ignorant"méng蒙 pleasedyuè悦 "to accept/to pay (tax etc.)"nà纳,"act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 he/himtā他 atonementshúzuì赎罪。
5 he/himTā他 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前 slaughter/butcher/govern/rule/officialzǎi宰 bullgōngniú公牛,"Aaron (a man's name)"Yàlún亚伦 offspring/posterityzǐsūn子孙 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 priestjìsī祭司 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to receive (from superior)/to offer/to revere"fèng奉 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 bloodxuè血,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 bloodxuè血 spill/sprinklesǎ洒 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "be able to/be likely to/to assemble/to meet/to gather/group/association"huì会 "stage curtain/tent"mù幕 doorway/gateménkǒu门口,altartán坛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 encompass/surroundingzhōuwéi周围。
6 that/thoseNà那 man/person/peoplerén人 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "peel/to skin"bō剥 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "domestic animal"shēng牲 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 leather/skin/furpí皮,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "domestic animal"shēng牲 "to cut/to slice"qiē切 "finish/complete/accomplish/become/turn into/win/succeed/one tenth"chéng成 "yuan (unit of currency)/fast (of a watch)/swift/rapid/happy/joyful/soon/quick/(a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)"kuài块 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子。
7 priestJìsī祭司 "Aaron (a man's name)"Yàlún亚伦 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 offspring/posterityzǐsūn子孙 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 firehuǒ火 "place in, on, at"fàngzài放在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 (surname)/firewoodchái柴 "pendulum/to place/to display/to swing/to oscillate/to show/to move/to exhibit"bǎi摆 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 firehuǒ火 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。
8 "Aaron (a man's name)"Yàlún亚伦 offspring/posterityzǐsūn子孙 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 priestjìsī祭司 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 meat/fleshròu肉 "yuan (unit of currency)/fast (of a watch)/swift/rapid/happy/joyful/soon/quick/(a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)"kuài块 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 headtóu头 "and/furthermore/(not) at all/simultaneously/also/together with/to combine/to join/to merge"bìng并 fatzhī脂 oil/slyyóu油 "pendulum/to place/to display/to swing/to oscillate/to show/to move/to exhibit"bǎi摆 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 firehuǒ火 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 (surname)/firewoodchái柴 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。
9 but/yet/however/only/merely/stillDàn但 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "inner organs"zàngfǔ脏腑 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 legtuǐ腿 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to use"yòng用 water/rivershuǐ水 "to wash/to bathe"xǐ洗。priestJìsī祭司 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 all/every/everythingyíqiè一切 all/whole/entire/every/completequán全 "to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever"shāo烧 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"treat as/regard as"dàngzuò当作 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"to offer"xiàn献 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 fragrantxīn馨 "fragrant/incense/(of food) savory/appetizing/sweet/scented/popular"xiāng香 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 firehuǒ火 "offer sacrifice"jì祭。
10 man/person/peopleRén人 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物 "to seem/like/as/if"ruò若 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 cotton/incessant/soft/downymián绵 (surname)/sheepyáng羊 maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/orhuò或 goatshānyáng山羊 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to offer"xiàn献 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be"méiyǒu没有 "(n) deformity on a person or animal"cánji残疾 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "ram (male sheep)"gōngyáng公羊。
11 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"Yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 (surname)/sheepyáng羊 slaughter/butcher/govern/rule/officialzǎi宰 (surname)yú于 altartán坛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(n) location to the north"běibiān北边,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前,"Aaron (a man's name)"Yàlún亚伦 offspring/posterityzǐsūn子孙 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 priestjìsī祭司 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 (surname)/sheepyáng羊 bloodxuè血 spill/sprinklesǎ洒 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 encompass/surroundingzhōuwéi周围。
12 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"Yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭 "domestic animal"shēng牲 "to cut/to slice"qiē切 "finish/complete/accomplish/become/turn into/win/succeed/one tenth"chéng成 "yuan (unit of currency)/fast (of a watch)/swift/rapid/happy/joyful/soon/quick/(a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)"kuài块 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子,"(surname)/even/as/join/to link/successively"lián连 headtóu头 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 fatzhī脂 oil/slyyóu油,priestjìsī祭司 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "pendulum/to place/to display/to swing/to oscillate/to show/to move/to exhibit"bǎi摆 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 firehuǒ火 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 (surname)/firewoodchái柴 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。
13 but/yet/however/only/merely/stillDàn但 "inner organs"zàngfǔ脏腑 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 legtuǐ腿 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to use"yòng用 water/rivershuǐ水 "to wash/to bathe"xǐ洗,priestjìsī祭司 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 completelyquánrán全然 consecrate/dedicate/devotefèngxiàn奉献,"to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever"shāo烧 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。this/theseZhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "to offer"xiàn献 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 fragrantxīn馨 "fragrant/incense/(of food) savory/appetizing/sweet/scented/popular"xiāng香 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 firehuǒ火 "offer sacrifice"jì祭。
14 man/person/peopleRén人 "to receive (from superior)/to offer/to revere"fèng奉 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物,"to seem/like/as/if"ruò若 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 birdniǎo鸟 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to offer"xiàn献 variegatedbān斑 "turtle-dove/Turtur orientalis"jiū鸠 "(conj) either X or Y"huòshì或是 "chick/young bird"chú雏 pigeon/dovegē鸽 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "offer/sacrificial offering/trial statement/confession"gòng供 thing/object/matterwù物。
15 priestJìsī祭司 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 birdniǎo鸟 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 altartán坛 "before/in front/ago/former/previous/earlier/front"qián前,"to clutch"jiū揪 "under/second (of two parts)/next (week, etc.)/lower/below/underneath/down(wards)/to decline/to go down/latter"xià下 headtóu头 "to come"lái来,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 birdniǎo鸟 "to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever"shāo烧 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,birdniǎo鸟 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 bloodxuè血 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to flow/to spread/to circulate/to move"liú流 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 lateral/sidepángbiān旁边。
16 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"Yòu又 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 birdniǎo鸟 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "crop (of bird)"sù嗉 "11 p.m.-1 a.m./1st earthly branch/child/midnight/son/child/seed/egg/small thing"zǐ子 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 dirty/filthyzāng脏 thing/object/matterwù物 "remove/do away with/wipe out/divide/except"chú除 "to drop/to fall"diào掉(dirty/filthyzāng脏 thing/object/matterwù物 maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/orhuò或 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "tail feathers"líng翎 hair/pore/furmáo毛),"to lose/to put aside/to throw"diū丢 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(n) eastern side"dōngbiān东边 "to fall/to collapse/to topple/to change/to fail/bankrupt"dǎo倒 gray/ashhuī灰 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 area/place/localdìfang地方。
17 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"Yào要 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 birdniǎo鸟 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "both/two/ounce/some/a few/tael"liǎng两 "(a measure word)/individual"gè个 wingchìbǎng翅膀,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 birdniǎo鸟 "to tear"sī撕 "open/operate (vehicle)/start"kāi开,merely/simply/only/butzhǐshì只是 "cannot/should not/must not"bùkě不可 "to tear"sī撕 "absolutely/decidedly (in negative constructions)/break/to judge"duàn断,priestjìsī祭司 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 altartán坛 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 firehuǒ火 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 (surname)/firewoodchái柴 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "to burn/set on fire"fénshāo焚烧。this/theseZhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "burn/to roast meat for sacrifice"fán燔 "offer sacrifice"jì祭,"is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "to offer"xiàn献 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 JehovahYēhéhuá耶和华 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 fragrantxīn馨 "fragrant/incense/(of food) savory/appetizing/sweet/scented/popular"xiāng香 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 firehuǒ火 "offer sacrifice"jì祭。