Learn Chinese with the Bible: Approximate English meaning+Pinyin (Romanized Chinese)+Chinese characters
Chapter 19
1 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "he/him"tā他 "son"érzi儿子 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bill/list/form/single/only/sole"dān单 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "multitude"zhòng众 "statesman/vassal/courtier/minister/official"chén臣 "fall prostrate"pū仆 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫。"to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "son"érzi儿子 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bill/list/form/single/only/sole"dān单 "but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless"què却 "what"shén甚 "to like/to love/to be fond of/favorite"xǐ’ài喜爱 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫。
2 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"Yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bill/list/form/single/only/sole"dān单 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "father"fù父 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss"xiǎng想 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "you"nǐ你,"therefore/as a result/so"suǒyǐ所以 "tomorrow"míngrì明日 "early morning"zǎochén早晨 "you"nǐ你 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "careful"xiǎoxīn小心,"to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "a/an"yīgè一个 "low/rustic/secluded"pì僻 "still/calm/quiet/not moving"jìng静 "area/place/local"dìfang地方 "hide/go into hiding/take shelter"cángshēn藏身。
3 "I/me"Wǒ我 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to occur/to happen/(a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)"chū出 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "you"nǐ你 "actually/place"suǒ所 "to hide away/to conceal/to harbor/store/accumulate"cáng藏 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(surname)/field/farm"tián田 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里,"station/to stand/to halt/to stop"zhàn站 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "I/me"wǒ我 "father"fùqīn父亲 "lateral/side"pángbiān旁边 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "he/him"tā他 "to discuss/to talk about"tánlùn谈论。"I/me"Wǒ我 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 "he/him"tā他 "circumstances/situation"qíngxing情形 "how/why"zěnyàng怎样,"I/me"wǒ我 "certainly/must/will/necessarily"bì必 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "you"nǐ你。
4 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"Yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "uni-directional"dānxiàng单向 "he/him"tā他 "father"fùqīn父亲 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "to substitute for/to take the place of/to replace/for/on behalf of/to stand in for"tì替 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "good/well"hǎo好 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话,"to speak/to say"shuō说,"king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王 "cannot/should not/must not"bùkě不可 "(v) say something that offends sb; have a faux pas"dézuì得罪 "king/Wang (proper name)"wáng王 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "servant"púrén仆人 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫。"because/owing to/on account of"Yīnwèi因为 "he/him"tā他 "1-3 p.m./8th earthly branch/not yet/did not/have not/not"wèi未 "(refers to something that happened previously)/already/at some time in the past/before/once"céng曾 "(v) say something that offends sb; have a faux pas"dézuì得罪 "you"nǐ你,"he/him"tā他 "actually/place"suǒ所 "all right/capable/competent/OK/okay/to go/to do/to travel/temporary/to walk/to go/will do"xíng行 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "you"nǐ你 "big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/oldest/eldest"dà大 "beneficial"yǒuyìchu有益处。
5 "he/him"Tā他 "disregard/reject"pàn拚 "life/fate"mìng命 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "that/those"nà那 "non-/not-/un-"fēi非 "advantage/benefit/profit/sharp"lì利 "scholar/warrior/knight"shì士 "man/person/people"rén人,"Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "Israel"Yǐsèliè以色列 "(n) everyone"zhòngrén众人 "big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/oldest/eldest"dà大 "all right/capable/competent/OK/okay/to go/to do/to travel/temporary/to walk/to go/will do"xíng行 "to save/to rescue"zhěngjiù拯救。"(tw) at that time"Nàshí那时 "you"nǐ你 "to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见,"what"shén甚 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "joyful"huānxǐ欢喜,"modern/current/present/at present/now/nowadays"xiànzài现在 "why"wèihé为何 "-less/not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-"wú无 "happening/instance/reason/cause/deceased/old"gù故 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫,"to flow/to spread/to circulate/to move"liú流 "innocence/innocent"wúgū无辜 "man/person/people"rén人 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "blood"xuè血,"self/(reflexive pronoun)/own"zìjǐ自己 "to take/to get/to choose/to fetch"qǔ取 "guilt/crime/fault/blame/sin"zuì罪 "(question particle)"ne呢?
6 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "listen/hear/obey"tīng听 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bill/list/form/single/only/sole"dān单 "if"dehuà的话,"at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "finger/to point/to direct/to indicate"zhǐ指 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "forever/always/perpetual (ly)"yǒng永 "to be born/to give birth/life/to grow"shēng生 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "to rise/to raise/to get up"qǐ起 "oath/vow/to swear/to pledge"shì誓 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"I/me"wǒ我 "certainly/must/will/necessarily"bì必 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "he/him"tā他。
7 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"Yuē约 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "bill/list/form/single/only/sole"dān单 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "to come"lái来,"(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "this/these"zhè这 "all/every/everything"yíqiè一切 "matter/thing/item/work/affair"shì事 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "he/him"tā他,"band/belt/girdle/ribbon/area/zone/region/wear/carry/lead/bring/consists of/show/and"dài带 "he/him"tā他 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗。"he/him"Tā他 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "still/yet"réngrán仍然 "attend on"shì侍 "set up/to stand"lì立 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前。
8 "after this/afterwards/hereafter"Cǐhòu此后 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "struggle/fight"zhēng争 "to fight/fight/war/battle"zhàn战 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "matter/thing/item/work/affair"shì事。"David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "(v) go out"chūqù出去 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 "non-/not-/un-"fēi非 "advantage/benefit/profit/sharp"lì利 "scholar/warrior/knight"shì士 "man/person/people"rén人 "fight"dǎzhàng打仗,"greatly/enormously"dàdà大大 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "be defeated/to defeat/loss"bài败 "they"tāmen他们,"they"tāmen他们 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "he/him"tā他 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前 "(v) flee from sth; run away; escape"táopǎo逃跑。
9 "from/obey/observe/follow"Cóng从 "Jehovah"Yēhéhuá耶和华 "there/that place"nàli那里 "to come"lái来 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "demon/fiend"èmó恶魔 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "to drop/to fall/to come down/to descend"jiàng降 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "body/torso/person/life/status/pregnancy/(a measure word used for clothes) suit"shēn身 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上("to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(a situation is) in (someone's) hands"shǒulǐ手里 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "gun/firearm/rifle/spear"qiāng枪 "to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc.)"zuò坐 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "house/room"wū屋 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里),"David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to use"yòng用 "hand/convenient"shǒu手 "to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument"tánqín弹琴。
10 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "to use"yòng用 "gun/firearm/rifle/spear"qiāng枪 "to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss"xiǎng想 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "thorn/sting/prick/pierce/stab/thrust/assassinate/murder"cì刺 "to penetrate/thorough/penetrating/to pass through/to pierce"tòu透 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫,"nail"dīng钉 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "wall"qiáng墙 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。"he/him"Tā他 "but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless"què却 "avoid/get out of way/to hide/to go into hiding"duǒ躲 "open/operate (vehicle)/start"kāi开,"to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "gun/firearm/rifle/spear"qiāng枪 "thorn/sting/prick/pierce/stab/thrust/assassinate/murder"cì刺 "to enter"rù入 "wall"qiáng墙 "inside/inner/internal/within/interior"nèi内。"to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"Dāng当 "night"yè夜 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "escape/flee"táozǒu逃走,"shun"duǒbì躲避 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
11 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive"dào到 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "house/building"fángwū房屋 "there/that place"nàli那里 "peep/pry into"kuī窥 "to explore/to search out/to scout/to visit"tàn探 "he/him"tā他,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "wait until/by the time when (something is ready, etc)"děngdào等到 "daylight"tiānliàng天亮 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "he/him"tā他。"David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "wife"qī妻 "(measure word) meter/rice"mǐ米 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "he/him"tā他 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "today/modern/present/current/this/now"jīn今 "night"yè夜 "to seem/like/as/if"ruò若 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "to escape/to run away/to flee"táo逃 "life/fate"mìng命,"tomorrow"míngrì明日 "you"nǐ你 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀。
12 "thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence"Yúshì于是 "(measure word) meter/rice"mǐ米 "(will, shall, "future tense")/ready/prepared/to get/to use"jiāng将 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "from/obey/observe/follow"cóng从 "window"chuānghu窗户 "inside/internal/interior"lǐ里 "let down with a rope"zhuì缒 "go down (descend)/go on (continue)"xiàqu下去。"David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "escape/flee"táozǒu逃走,"shun"duǒbì躲避 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
13 "(measure word) meter/rice"Mǐ米 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "furniture/tool"jiā家 "hit the mark"zhòngdì中的 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "(look) like/similar (to)/appearance/to appear/to seem/image/portrait/resemble/seem"xiàng像 "place in, on, at"fàngzài放在 "bed/couch/(a measure word)"chuáng床 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"head"tóu头 "pillow"zhěn枕 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "goat"shānyáng山羊 "hair/pore/fur"máo毛 "adornment/adorn/costume/dress/clothing"zhuāng装 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "pillow"zhěntou枕头 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上,"to use"yòng用 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 "(v) cover"zhēgài遮盖。
14 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(v) arrest; catch a criminal"zhuōná捉拿 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫,"(measure word) meter/rice"mǐ米 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"he/him"tā他 "ailment/sickness/illness/disease/fall ill/sick/defect"bìng病 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
15 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "it depends/think/to see/to look at"kàn看 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫,"to speak/to say"shuō说,"to be/to act as/to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space)/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at"dāng当 "(surname)/even/as/join/to link/successively"lián连 "bed/couch/(a measure word)"chuáng床 "(will, shall, "future tense")/ready/prepared/to get/to use"jiāng将 "he/him"tā他 "to lift/to raise/(of two or more persons) to carry"tái抬 "to come"lái来,"I/me"wǒ我 "good/well"hǎo好 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "he/him"tā他。
16 "emissary/envoy"Shǐzhě使者 "(v) go in"jìnqù进去,"to see/to catch sight of"kànjiàn看见 "bed/couch/(a measure word)"chuáng床 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "(look) like/similar (to)/appearance/to appear/to seem/image/portrait/resemble/seem"xiàng像,"head"tóu头 "pillow"zhěn枕 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "goat"shānyáng山羊 "hair/pore/fur"máo毛 "adornment/adorn/costume/dress/clothing"zhuāng装 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "pillow"zhěntou枕头 "on/up/on top/upon/first (of two parts)/previous or last (week, etc.)/upper/higher/above/previous/to climb/to go into/above/to go up"shàng上。
17 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "(measure word) meter/rice"mǐ米 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "why/for what reason"wèishénme为什么 "this (kind of, sort of)/this way/such/like this/such"zhèyàng这样 "take unfair advantage of/to deceive/to cheat"qī欺 "resound with laughter"hōng哄 "I/me"wǒ我,"to release/to free/to let go/to put/to place/to let out"fàng放 "I/me"wǒ我 "hatred/animosity/enmity/a rival/an enemy/feud"chóu仇 "enemy/match"dí敌 "escape/flee"táozǒu逃走 "(question particle)"ne呢?"(measure word) meter/rice"mǐ米 "reply/answer"huídá回答 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"he/him"tā他 "couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/for/to/correct (answer)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right"duì对 "I/me"wǒ我 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"you"nǐ你 "to release/to free/to let go/to put/to place/to let out"fàng放 "I/me"wǒ我 "to walk/to go/to move/to leave"zǒu走,"not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not"bùrán不然 "I/me"wǒ我 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to kill/to murder/to slaughter"shā杀 "you"nǐ你。
18 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "escape/evade/shirk"táobì逃避,"to come/to arrive"láidào来到 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 "let go"sā撒 "female/mother"mǔ母 "ear"ěr耳,"(will, shall, "future tense")/ready/prepared/to get/to use"jiāng将 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "direction/part/side/towards/to/guide/opposite to"xiàng向 "he/him"tā他 "actually/place"suǒ所 "all right/capable/competent/OK/okay/to go/to do/to travel/temporary/to walk/to go/will do"xíng行 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "matter/thing/item/work/affair"shì事 "to state/to tell/to narrate/to relate"shù述 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "a time/everywhere/turn/all over/one time"biàn遍。"he/him"Tā他 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "let go"sā撒 "female/mother"mǔ母 "ear"ěr耳 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to go (in a direction)/past/previous/towards"wǎng往 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "reside/be a resident (of)"jūzhù居住。
19 "(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"Yǒurén有人 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗,"to speak/to say"shuō说 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约。
20 "to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(v) arrest; catch a criminal"zhuōná捉拿 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫。"to go/to leave/to remove"Qù去 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "man/person/people"rén人 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "team/class/rank/squad/a work shift/a measure word/(a surname)"bān班 "prophet"xiānzhī先知 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 "to feel/to move/to touch/to affect"gǎn感 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话,"let go"sā撒 "female/mother"mǔ母 "ear"ěr耳 "station/to stand/to halt/to stop"zhàn站 "therein/wherein"zàiqízhōng在其中 "oversee/take charge of"jiānguǎn监管 "they"tāmen他们。"(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"Dǎfa打发 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "man/person/people"rén人 "also/too"yě也 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "inspiration"línggǎn灵感 "to use/to act/to move/to change"dòng动 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话。
21 "(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"Yǒurén有人 "(will, shall, "future tense")/ready/prepared/to get/to use"jiāng将 "this/these"zhè这 "matter/thing/item/work/affair"shì事 "to tell/to inform/to let know"gàosu告诉 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗,"he/him"tā他 "(once) again/also/both... and.../again"yòu又 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"they"tāmen他们 "also/too"yě也 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 "to feel/to move/to touch/to affect"gǎn感 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话。"to sweep"Sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "third/third time"dìsāncì第三次 "(v) dispatch sb to do sth/(v) send sb away/(v) pass the time"dǎfa打发 "man/person/people"rén人 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"they"tāmen他们 "also/too"yě也 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 "to feel/to move/to touch/to affect"gǎn感 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话。
22 "after/then (afterwards)/after that/afterwards"Ránhòu然后 "to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "self/(reflexive pronoun)/own"zìjǐ自己 "to go (in a direction)/past/previous/towards"wǎng往 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"has arrived/when subj. arrives at a location or time"dàole到了 "west"xī西 "buy/sell"gū沽 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/oldest/eldest"dà大 "warn/well"jǐng井,"to ask"wèn问 "man/person/people"rén人 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"let go"sā撒 "female/mother"mǔ母 "ear"ěr耳 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "David (person name)"Dàwèi大卫 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "where/wherever"nǎli哪里 "(question particle)"ne呢?"(n) someone/there's someone/occupied (as in restroom)"yǒurén有人 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约。
23 "he/him"Tā他 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to go (in a direction)/past/previous/towards"wǎng往 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去。"God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"Shén神 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "alert/departed soul/efficacious/quick/effective/intelligence"líng灵 "also/too"yě也 "to move (sb)/to touch/moving"gǎndòng感动 "he/him"tā他,"one side"yímiàn一面 "to walk/to go/to move/to leave"zǒu走 "one side"yímiàn一面 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话,"until"zhídào直到 "to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw"lā拉 "agate/cornelian"mǎ玛 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take"ná拿 "appointment/agreement/to arrange/to restrict/approximately"yuē约。
24 "he/him"Tā他 "at once/then/right away/only/(emphasis)/to approach/to move towards/to undertake"jiù就 "to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from"tuō脱 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 "clothes"yīfu衣服,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "let go"sā撒 "female/mother"mǔ母 "ear"ěr耳 "in front of/facing/presence"miànqián面前 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 "to feel/to move/to touch/to affect"gǎn感 "to speak/to say"shuō说 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话," one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "daytime"zhòu昼 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) "no sooner did VERB happen than..."/(before a noun) entire (family, etc.)"yī一 "night"yè夜 "to show/to reveal/to expos/dew"lù露 "body/form/style/system"tǐ体 "to recline/to lie down"tǎng躺 "to lie/to crouch"wò卧。"that is why/for that reason/therefore/for this reason"Yīncǐ因此 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "(a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse)/sentence"jù句 "local saying/idiom"súyǔ俗语 "to speak/to say"shuō说,"to sweep"sǎo扫 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "also/too"yě也 "to arrange/to line up/row/file/series"liè列 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "prophet"xiānzhī先知 "within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese"zhōng中 "(question tag)"ma吗?