Learn Chinese with the Bible: Approximate English meaning+Pinyin (Romanized Chinese)+Chinese characters
Chapter 1
"to receive (from superior)/to offer/to revere"Fèng奉 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 decree/orderzhǐyì旨意,"according to/in accordance with/to shine/to illuminate/to reflect/photograph"zhào照 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣 inside/internal/interiorlǐ里 "life (force)"shēngmìng生命 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 ""yìngxǔ应许,"to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣 apostleshǐtú使徒 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 PaulBǎoluó保罗,
2 "to write a letter"Xiěxìn写信 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 I/mewǒ我 dearqīn’àide亲爱的 sonérzi儿子 "to carry/to lift/to put forward/(upwards character stroke)/lifting (brush stroke in painting)/to mention"tí提 rubmó摩 "highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely"tài太。sincere/willingYuàn愿 "kind act (from above)"ēn恩 "favor/kind act (from above)"huì惠 pityliánmǐn怜悯 "safe and sound/well/without mishap"píng’ān平安,from/obey/observe/followcóng从 fatherfù父 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣,"to go back/to return"guī归 "and/to give/together with"yǔ与 younǐ你。
3 I/meWǒ我 "(express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks"gǎnxiè感谢 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神,"(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as"jiùshì就是 I/mewǒ我 "(v) follow; continue"jiēxù接续 ancestor/forefatherzǔxiān祖先,"to use"yòng用 clean/purityqīngjié清洁 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 conscienceliángxīn良心 actually/placesuǒ所 matter/thing/item/work/affairshì事 "to receive (from superior)/to offer/to revere"fèng奉 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神,"to pray/to say one's prayers/prayer"qídǎo祈祷 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,repeatedly/continuously/constantlybúzhù不住 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "miss/remember with longing/long to see again"xiǎngniàn想念 younǐ你,
4 "to remember/to note/mark/sign/to record"Jì记 "read aloud"niàn念 younǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 tearyǎnlèi眼泪,"(n) day and night/(adv) continuously, without stop"zhòuyè昼夜 "to cut/to slice"qiē切 "to cut/to slice"qiē切 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss"xiǎng想 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview"jiàn见 younǐ你,good/wellhǎo好 "to call/to yell/to be called/to order"jiào叫 I/mewǒ我 "Manchurian/to fill/to fulfill/filled/packed"mǎn满 heart/mindxīn心 happy/merrykuàilè快乐。
5 "to think of/call to mind"Xiǎngdào想到 younǐ你 "(n) ones heart and mind"xīnlǐ心里 "-less/not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-"wú无 false/fake/forged/boguswěi伪 "(literary equivalent of 的)/(subor. part.)/him/her/it"zhī之 "letter/true/to believe/sign/evidence"xìn信。this/theseZhè这 "letter/true/to believe/sign/evidence"xìn信 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "early/prior/former/in advance/first"xiān先 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 younǐ你 "mother's mother; maternal grandmother"wàizǔmǔ外祖母 "subordinate in a gang of bandits"luó罗 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以,"and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 younǐ你 "mother (formal)"mǔqīn母亲 friendyǒu友 "Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)"ní尼 "base/foundation/basic/radical (chem.)"jī基 "(n) ones heart and mind"xīnlǐ心里 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。I/meWǒ我 "(v) resolutely believe"shēnxìn深信 also/tooyě也 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 younǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "(n) ones heart and mind"xīnlǐ心里。
6 "for this reason/with regards to this/in this respect/in order to do this/to this end"Wèicǐ为此 I/mewǒ我 "remind/call attention to/warn of"tíxǐng提醒 younǐ你,"to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/messenger"shǐ使 younǐ你 "(will, shall, " use? to get prepared ready tense?) futurejiāng将 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "to lend/to borrow/excuse/pretext/by means of"jiè借 I/mewǒ我 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 hand/convenientshǒu手 actually/placesuǒ所 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 younǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "kind act (from above)"ēn恩 confer/bestow/grantcì赐,"again/once more/next in sequence/another"zài再 fieryrúhuǒ如火 "carry on a pole/choose"tiāo挑 "prosperous/flourishing/to prosper/to flourish"wàng旺 "beginning or continuing an action/upward movement/stand up"qǐlai起来。
7 "because/owing to/on account of"Yīnwèi因为 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "to bestow/to give"cìgěi赐给 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们,"(v) not be/(n) blame or fault"búshì不是 "(adj) timid"dǎnqiè胆怯 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 heart/mindxīn心,"to be"nǎishì乃是 firm/unyieldinggāngqiáng刚强,humanerén仁 "to love/affection/to be fond of/to like"ài爱,cautiousjǐn谨 "to guard"shǒu守 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 heart/mindxīn心。
8 youNǐ你 "don't!/must not"bùyào不要 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 "to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive particle)"gěi给 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 witness/testimonyjiànzhèng见证 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 shame/disgracechǐ耻,neither/noryěbù也不 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 I/mewǒ我 this/thesezhè这 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 "by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses)/quilt/blanket/to cover/to wear"bèi被 prisonerqiú囚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 shame/disgracechǐ耻。"always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every case"Zǒng总 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"shén神 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 capability/capable/able/abilitynénglì能力,"and/to give/together with"yǔ与 I/mewǒ我 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 gospelfúyīn福音 like/same/similar/together/alike/withtóng同 suffershòukǔ受苦 "difficult (to...)/problem/difficulty/difficult/not good"nán难。
9 "God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual being"Shén神 "to save/to assist/to rescue"jiù救 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们,"to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 holy/sacred/saint/sageshèng圣 "(surname)/name of an ancient state"shào召 "(surname)/name of an ancient state"shào召 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们,"(v) not be/(n) blame or fault"búshì不是 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 action/conduct/behavior/activityxíngwéi行为,"to be"nǎishì乃是 "to press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of"àn按 histāde他的 decree/orderzhǐyì旨意,"and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 graceēndiǎn恩典。this/theseZhè这 graceēndiǎn恩典 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 "Wan (surname)/ten thousand/a great number"wàn万 ancient/oldgǔ古 "(literary equivalent of 的)/(subor. part.)/him/her/it"zhī之 "early/prior/former/in advance/first"xiān先,"(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣 inside/internal/interiorlǐ里 "to bestow/to give"cìgěi赐给 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。
10 but/yet/however/only/merely/stillDàn但 nowadaysrújīn如今 "to lend/to borrow/excuse/pretext/by means of"jiè借 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 Saviorjiùzhǔ救主 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "appearance/to appear"xiǎnxiàn显现,"ability/talent/endowment/gift/an expert/only (then)/only if/just"cái才 "make known/make clear/state clearly/indicate/known/to make clear"biǎomíng表明 "to come out/to emerge"chūlai出来 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。he/himTā他 alreadyyǐjīng已经 "(a measure word)/(marker for direct-object)/to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of"bǎ把 "to die/inpassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid"sǐ死 abolish/crippledfèi废 "to go/to leave/to remove"qù去,"to lend/to borrow/excuse/pretext/by means of"jiè借 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 gospelfúyīn福音,"(will, shall, " use? to get prepared ready tense?) futurejiāng将 "cannot/must not/should not"bùnéng不能 bad/evil/rotten/spoiledhuài坏 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "life (force)"shēngmìng生命 "to manifest"zhāngxiǎn彰显 "to come out/to emerge"chūlai出来。
11 I/meWǒ我 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 this/thesezhè这 gospelfúyīn福音 "to receive (from superior)/to offer/to revere"fèng奉 "clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch"pài派 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 ""chuándào传道 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的,"to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 apostleshǐtú使徒,"to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 "master/a qualified worker"shīfu师傅。
12 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"Wéi为 this/thesezhè这 reason/causeyuángù缘故,I/mewǒ我 also/tooyě也 "to bear/to stand/to endure/(passive marker)/to receive"shòu受 thesezhèxie这些 "(n) suffering"kǔnàn苦难。however/yet/butRán’ér然而 I/mewǒ我 "(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "consider (that)/believe"yǐwéi以为 shame/disgracechǐ耻。"because/owing to/on account of"Yīnwèi因为 "know/be aware of"zhīdao知道 I/mewǒ我 actually/placesuǒ所 "letter/true/to believe/sign/evidence"xìn信 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 whoshéi谁,also/tooyě也 "(v) resolutely believe"shēnxìn深信 he/himtā他 can/may/capable/energy/ablenéng能 "save from damage/preserve/maintain/keep in good repair"bǎoquán保全 I/mewǒ我 actually/placesuǒ所 "(v) turn over"jiāofù交付 histāde他的,(maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/orhuò或 "to regard as/to take (somebody) for/to do/to make"zuò作 he/himtā他 actually/placesuǒ所 "to deliver/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/to pay (money)"jiāo交 "to hold in one's hand/to entrust/to support in one's palm"tuō托 my/minewǒde我的)untilzhídào直到 that/thosenà那 "day/sun/date/day of the month/Japan (abbrev.)"rì日。
13 youNǐ你 from/obey/observe/followcóng从 I/mewǒ我 listen/hear/obeytīng听 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 that/thosenà那 genuinechúnzhèng纯正 "dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what someone said"huà话 dialect/language/speechyǔ语 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 scale/scope/extentguīmó规模,"important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "to use"yòng用 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Jesus (Christ)"Jīdū基督 JesusYēsū耶稣 inside/internal/interiorlǐ里 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "confidence/faith (in someone or something)"xìnxīn信心 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 ""àixīn爱心,frequently/usually/oftenchángcháng常常 "to guard"shǒu守 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着。
14 previously/formerlyCóngqián从前 actually/placesuǒ所 "to deliver/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/to pay (money)"jiāo交 "to hold in one's hand/to entrust/to support in one's palm"tuō托 younǐ你 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 goodshàn善 "direction/way/method/road/path/principle/truth/reason/skill/method/Tao (of Taoism)/a measure word/to say/to speak/to talk"dào道,younǐ你 "important/vital/to want/to be going to/must"yào要 "depend upon/lean on/near/by/against/to support"kào靠 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 that/thosenà那 "to live/to dwell/to reside/to stop"zhù住 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 we/us/ourselveswǒmen我们 inside/interiorlǐmiàn里面 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "Holy Ghost"shènglíng圣灵,firmlyláoláo牢牢 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to guard"shǒu守 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着。
15 ordinary/every/all/whatever/worldlyFán凡 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior"yà亚 "Southwest Asia"Xī Yà西亚 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 man/person/peoplerén人 "all/both (if two things are involved)/entirely (due to)each/even/already"dōu都 abandonlíqì离弃 I/mewǒ我,this/thesezhè这 "is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 younǐ你 "know/be aware of"zhīdao知道 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。among/inQízhōng其中 "to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be"yǒu有 "calf of leg/decay/protect"féi腓 "lucky/Jilin Province (abbrev.)"jí吉 (surname)/road/path/waylù路 "and/together with/with/peace/harmony/union"hé和 "black/dark/Heilongjiang Province (abbrev.)"hēi黑 rubmó摩 "his/her/its/theirs/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)"qí其 "Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)"ní尼。
16 sincere/willingYuàn愿 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 pityliánmǐn怜悯 "(final part.)/(interj.)"a阿 "Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)"ní尼 color/look/appearancesè色 notfú弗 " one/1/single/a(n)/(before verbs) " etc.)? (family, entire noun) a (before than...? happen VERB did sooner noyī一 furniture/tooljiā家 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 man/person/peoplerén人。cause/reason/becauseYīn因 he/himtā他 "repeatedly/time and again"lǚcì屡次 "to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/messenger"shǐ使 I/mewǒ我 smooth/fluent/joyful/happychàng畅 fast/quick/swiftkuài快,"(negative prefix)/not/no"bù不 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 my/minewǒde我的 "to lock up/to lock"suǒ锁 "chain/lead or tin ore"liàn链 "act as/take...to be/to be/to do/to serve as/to become"wéi为 shame/disgracechǐ耻。
17 "(adv) but on the contrary; but instead of as expected"Fǎndào反倒 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "Rome (capital of Italy)"Luómǎ罗马 "when/during/at the time of"deshíhòu的时候,"politely, solicitously"yīnqín殷勤 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 "to try to find/to look for/to call on (sb)/to find/to seek/to return/to look for"zhǎo找 I/mewǒ我,"and/besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition"bìngqiě并且 "to try to find/to look for/to call on (sb)/to find/to seek/to return/to look for"zhǎo找 "particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending"zhe着 "(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)"le了。
18 sincere/willingYuàn愿 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 "to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/messenger"shǐ使 he/himtā他 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 that/thosenà那 "day/sun/date/day of the month/Japan (abbrev.)"rì日 "a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect/degree or possibility"de得 "to own/to host/master/lord/primary"zhǔ主 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的 pityliánmǐn怜悯。he/himTā他 "(located) at/in/exist/(before verbs) immediately involved in/right in the middle of doing"zài在 "to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because/Israel (abbrev.)"yǐ以 notfú弗 actually/placesuǒ所 how/whyzěnyàng怎样 "many/much/a lot of/numerous/multi-"duō多 "many/much/a lot of/numerous/multi-"duō多 "(subor. part. adverbial)/-ly"de地 "clothes/dress/garment/submit/take (medicine)"fú服 matter/thing/item/work/affairshì事 I/mewǒ我,"is/are/am/yes/to be"shì是 younǐ你 obviously/plainly/undoubtedlymíngmíng明明 "know/be aware of"zhīdao知道 "(possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle)/of"de的。