Die Bibel
die Heilige Schrift - [Luther 1912] - The Holy Bible in GermanDas alte Testament - O.T.
- Gn [1] Genesis
- Ex [2] Exodus
- Lv [3] Levitikus
- Nm [4] Numeri
- Dt [5] Deuteronomium
- Js [6] Josua
- Jg [7] Richter
- Rt [8] Rut
- 1Sm [9] 1.Samuel
- 2Sm [10] 2.Samuel
- 1Kn [11] 1.Könige
- 2Kn [12] 2.Könige
- 1Ch [13] 1.Chronik
- 2Ch [14] 2.Chronik
- Ez [15] Esra
- Nh [16] Nehemia
- Es [17] Ester
- Jb [18] Hiob
- Ps [19] Psalter
- Pr [20] Sprüche
- Ec [21] Prediger
- Sn [22] Hohelied
- Is [23] Jesaja
- Jr [24] Jeremia
- Lm [25] Klagelieder
- Ek [26] Hesekiel
- Dn [27] Daniel
- Hs [28] Hosea
- Jl [29] Joel
- Am [30] Amos
- Ob [31] Obadja
- Jn [32] Jona
- Mc [33] Micha
- Na [34] Nahum
- Hk [35] Habakuk
- Zp [36] Zefanja
- Hg [37] Haggai
- Zc [38] Sacharja
- Ml [39] Maleachi
Das neue Testament - O.T.
- Mt [40] Matthäus
- Mr [41] Markus
- Lk [42] Lukas
- Jh [43] Johannes
- Ac [44] Apostelgeschichte
- Rm [45] Römer
- 1Cr [46] 1.Korinther
- 2Cr [47] 2.Korinther
- Gl [48] Galater
- Ep [49] Epheser
- Ph [50] Philipper
- Cl [51] Kolosser
- 1Th [52] 1.Thessalonicher
- 2Th [53] 2.Thessalonicher
- 1Tm [54] 1.Timotheus
- 2Tm [55] 2.Timotheus
- Tt [56] Titus
- Pl [57] Philemon
- Hb [58] Hebräer
- Jm [59] Jakobus
- 1Pt [60] 1.Petrus
- 2Pt [61] 2.Petrus
- 1Jh [62] 1.Johannes
- 2Jh [63] 2.Johannes
- 3Jh [64] 3.Johannes
- Jd [65] Judas
- Rv [66] Offenbarung
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