Verse(s) of the Day

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Some thoughts:

  • (Hold the cursor over reference)
  • - Physical dehydration is dangerous - 'Spiritual Dehydration' fatal! Never thirst again: John 4:14
  • - Feed your body? Don't starve your soul... Matthew 4:4
  • - Fear and love CANNOT coexist.... I John 4:18
  • - Your GOOD works cannot get you into heaven...Ephesians 2:8,9
  • - Heaven is full of sinners ... (redeemed, of course!)Luke 15:7, Luke 15:10
  • - Hate God, LOVE DEATH..Proverbs 8:36
  • - God does not live inside man-made TEMPLES Acts 7-48-49
  • - Truth resisted, loses power...II Thessalonians 2:10-11.
  • - Jesus was there, in the beginning, when the world was created. John 1:1, John 1:14
  • - Contrary to popular opinion, the Devil is indeed in control of this world. Luke 4:5,6
  • - Mankind DID NOT evolve ... was created - male and female. Mark 10:6
  • - Are we free? John 8:32
  • - You say you DO NOT understand the BIBLE... could you just be a NATURAL? 1 Cor 2:14]
  • - We are all born with sin. Even if you are a 'good' person, you still have sin. Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23
  • - Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love is God and God is Love. Confirm here: I John 4:8. I John 4:16.
  • - You should love your enemies, not kill them. Matthew 5:44
  • - There is a war going on all the time, even in times of peace. Ephesians 6:12
  • - We are all dead until we are born again. [John 3:3]
  • - There is LIFE in the Words of Jesus Christ. John 6:63

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The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of GOD, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. read it to be WISE, believe it to be SAFE, and practice it to be HOLY. it contains LIGHT to direct you, FOOD to support you, and COMFORT to cheer you. it is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the christian's charter. here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
CHRIST is its grand subject, our good the design, and the glory of god its end. it should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. it is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. it is given you in LIFE, will be opened at the JUDGMENT, and be remembered FOREVER.

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