Many have asked us why we include in our site only the King James version of the Bible and do not include other versions, namely the NIV, the New Jerusalem Bible, ESV, the Standard Bible, etc. Certainly the main reason is that the KJV of the Bible has been tried and proven in our own lives. There are, however, other factors which affected our decision to use only the King James Version of the Bible, and other similar versions in other languages, i.e., Joao Ferreira de Almeida (c. 1628-1691)(JFA), in Portuguese, Reina Valera [1909], in Spanish, and Louis Second, in French, etc. Such factors are that the above versions are based on the TR codices, and are copyright free - that means, you can copy and distribute them without any concern to pay or request permission. Thus, the KJV is public domain, so are all versions of the Bible published in our site, and every Bible should be: Freely ye have received, freely give...(Mat. 10:8)

Omissions and Contradictions in Bible versions: please, click HERE

Click HERE to read more about KJV vs. modern Bible translations

Which Portuguese Bible?

[by WP]

You said that the JFA is the closest Portuguese Bible to the KJV. Are all JFA equal, or are some better than others?

Answer: Today there are several JFA versions. The most well known are the Revised and Corrected Edition (ARC), published in 1948, the Almeida Corrected and Faithful (Almeida Corrigida e Fiel - ACF ), the Revised and Updated Edition (Edição Revista e Atualizada - ARA). Ferreira de Almeida's translation of the Bible is most closely associated and the most commonly used translation by Portuguese-speaking Christians, particularly in Brazil. Originally, Joao Ferreira de Almeida utilized the Textus Receptus as textual basis. The main principle of translation used by Ferreira de Almeida was that of formal equivalence (following the syntax of the original text in the target language). His translation, from the mid-seventeenth century was the first complete translation of the Bible in Portuguese (Catholics used the Vulgata Latina all the way into the 20th century). In 1676 Almeida completed the translation of the New Testament on the basis of the 1633 Elzevir Textus Receptus. The first edition of this translation contained many errors and Almeida spent 10 more years in the revision that followed. The complete edition was published in 1748, again in 1753 and finally the British Foreign Society published the Almeida Version in one single volume in 1819. Later editions of the Almeida Version, the first of which was published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1898, depart from its dependence on the Textus Receptus of the New Testament and take account to a greater or lesser extent of advances in textual criticism.

The ARC and ARF, are well translated from the Textus Receptus (like the KJV), although the ARC is said to contain some ingredients of the Critical Text. The ARA (the updated version) is not based on the TR (Text Receptus)at all, but rather on the CT (Critical Text). There are many errors and ommissions in the ARA version, which makes this version to be closer to the NIV than the KJV English versions.